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Ballet Barre #1 with Miss Kim

Join me for a simple Ballet Barre!  

  1. Pliés: 2 demi pliés and 1 grand plié, 6 counts of port de bras then tendu to next position. 1st, 2nd, 5th then balance 8 counts and turn to other side. Repeat 
  2. Slow Tendu from 1st: Tendu flex point close, tendu close, plié stretch; Front, Side, Back, turn and prepare for Left.
  3. Tendu from 5th: Tendu close plié stretch, tendu close, tendu close. Front, Side, Back, Sous-sus and/or turn to other side. 
  4. Quick Tendus 5th: Tendu 5th, Tendu close 5th, tendu plié in open position(4th or 2nd) push to tendu close 5th. En Croix.  Track plays twice.
  5. Battements Jetés: 8 quick accent in to Front, Side, Back, Tendu side with plié pull to sous-sus (soutenu), détourné (turn) to other side.  
  6. Rond de Jambe: 4 Rond de jambe a terre (on the floor), brush front fondu side, fondu back hold, close back. Reverse then port de bras Front and Back and balance in sous-sus or passé/retiré. Track plays twice.
  7. Stretch: Your Choice! 
  8. Grand Battement: 4 Grand battement En Croix or 16 in any direction. Track plays twice. 
  9. Adagio: Grand plié 5th position, développé 5, 6, 7  close 8. En Croix, then Port de Bras Front 1, 2, 3, 4 and Back 5, 6, 7, 8, plié passé/retiré relevé hold 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, développé to arabesque on flat or relevé 1, 2, 3, 4 and hold 5, 6, 7 close 8,  tendu side pull to sous-sus (soutenu/detourné) to Left side.