Resources - Tips Tools for Ballet Dancers and Teachers — Ballet coloring
Free Ballet Dancer Vocabulary Coloring Sheet by Passé
Posted by Kim Shope on
Free Ballet Dancer Coloring Sheets available at Delight your students and impress their parents with Ballet Color Pages that entertain and inform. Share the Vocabulary and Coloring sheet with your students to reinforce what you teach during class time. Just save the image below, print and share! Passé (pah-say) Stand on one leg with other foot pointed to knee. Always remember to keep your knee to the side and never sickle your foot! If you want to improve your port de bras, click here to learn more about my Port de Band™ training aid to increase muscle awareness and upper body strength. ...
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- Tags: ballerina, Ballet coloring, ballet dancer, Ballet how to, Ballet teacher, ballet teacher tools, ballet technique, Ballet Terminology, ballet terms, Ballet tips, Ballet Vocabulary, coloring page, dance student aids, Dance Teacher, dance technique, Dance vocabulary, Dancer how to, Dancer tips, Free Ballet Dancer Vocabulary Coloring Sheet
Free Ballet Dancer Vocabulary Coloring Sheet - Arabesque
Posted by Kim Shope on
Free Ballet Dancer Coloring Sheets available at Delight your students and impress their parents with Ballet Color Pages that entertain and inform. Share the Vocabulary and Coloring sheet with your students to reinforce what you teach during class time. Just save the image below, print and share! Arabesque (ah-rah-besk) Stand on one leg with the other leg extended behind you. Always remember to keep your back up and stretch your knees. It is important to keep both legs turned out! Be sure to Visit my home page to watch the video by Kathryn Morgan, former New York City Ballet dancer. She shows you...
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- Tags: ballerina, Ballet coloring, ballet dancer, Ballet how to, Ballet teacher, ballet teacher tools, ballet technique, Ballet Terminology, ballet terms, Ballet Vocabulary, dance student aids, Dance Teacher, Dance vocabulary, Dancer how to, Free Ballet Dancer Vocabulary Coloring Sheet, Resources
Free Ballet Dancer Vocabulary Coloring Sheet - Plié
Posted by Kim Shope on
Free Ballet Dancer Coloring Sheets available at Delight your students and impress their parents with Ballet Color Pages that entertain and inform. Share the Vocabulary and Coloring sheet with your students to reinforce what you teach during class time. Just save the image below, print and share! Plié: Correct translation is “Bent or Bending” but I always have my students say “Plié: To Bend” to help them remember that it's a movement, not a pose.